
Definitions #

Alternate Dispute Resolution. Procedures by which disputes can be resolved other than litigation. For example settlements, mediation, binding or non-binding arbitration.
A form of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) in which disputes are decided via private arbitrators rather than the via the court system.
Compulsory arbitration
Arbitration commanded by statute 1
Labor Arbitration
Voluntary arbitration of disputes between unions and employers pursuant to terms negotiated by equally qualified participants 2
Mandatory Arbitration
The requirement to sign an arbitration agreement as a condition to employment or receiving good or services. Typically without the ability to opt-out.
Mitsubishi trilogy
A series of three court cases (#1,#2,#3) allowing for arbitration of statutory claims.
Pre-Dispute Arbitration Agreement
The contract specifying that the parties agree to use arbitration for future disputes.
Post-Dispute Arbitration Agreement
Agreement to use arbitration of a specific claim after an incident occurs.
Separability principle
An arbitration clause is treated as a separate agreement to the contract containing it. An agreement to arbitrate may not be nullified by a void main contract.

Footnotes #

  1. Reginald Alleyne. (2003). Arbitrators’ Fees: The Dagger in the Heart of Mandatory Arbitration for Statutory Discrimination Claims. 6. pp 17 ↩︎

  2. Reginald Alleyne. (2003). Arbitrators’ Fees: The Dagger in the Heart of Mandatory Arbitration for Statutory Discrimination Claims. 6. pp 13 ↩︎

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